
A Change Of Things

I expanded by blog. 

I have decided to showcase my love for photography, in particular portraiture and my love for people.
I decided to switch up a few a things, firstly, I now have a dedicated Instagram account for Misfits & Muffins
dedicated to portrait photography. 
Secondly, my personal account  allows for flexibility in terms of what I post. 
Then I have my temporary website that displays my work as a visual artists on 

I will use this blog to showcase everything, say everything without reconstructing, rehashing and later delete the post because life. You know?
I still have this sense of waiting though ... I think I am still stuck around the publicity of my work. 
I have heard and read many bloggers say stuff like these or either they tease you with a really good picture and then the caption goes '' coming soon ''. It is so annoying, However, what is ironic, is that I do it to myself. All the time. 

So I am going to push a little bit further because who doesn't want to be the next Gareth Pon?
I mean, Instagram needs to verify his account. Lets do a little bit more than just taking pictures, creating visuals and then storing my work.

Finally, school has just been overwhelming. I am a Law graduate on to studying visual communications. I will only explain why once I get an interview on MTV or something

 Man, I love that picture. 

Anyway, school has been overwhelming. So timing around communicating with people external has been problematic. But I need to readjust things a little more


Other than that, lets do this. Lets get busy.  

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