
My punctuality sucks, I should have cross - nighted

I shouldn't have slept. Melodic is this thought, en route home to my fathers homeground.
I just don't know how to nap - it's so complicated, you guys.

I am travelling with Auntie A. who could be characterised by her tone of voice as sassy and well-travelled. She claims to look good - I can only tell the accuracy of this information in a few hours when I see her in daylight.
She checks her mirror 5-6 times a heartbeat and often asks her husband for confirmation. Powdered and turban'd up, she completes her outfit with a fur coat, in addition to her classic Mercedes.

She offered me a lift after her friend pleaded that I come to the funeral. I am late as usual. It's 4am and I am 45 minutes late, to be accurate. And all I want to do is jump out the window of this car.

Punctuality isn't my thing. Like Really!
It's set in stone somewhere and all the people I am to meet in the due course of my life is going to get super annoyed and they would probably never want to see me again.

I am in the car ride and awkward is an understatement. I just had a mere panic attack but I managed to retain the anxiety. It's a 4 hour drive and I am thinking about things like how this day is nothing but a fail!

" I am telling her that I am travelling with a minor, who doesn't even speak " she calmy-insists speaking to husband, complaining about me.

Here is a list of reasons why today is an epic forseeable fail:
• I didn't get to do my hair. And it smells. So damply.
• I only looked at my outfit in the dark so I don't know how funeral-service-okay it is.
• I didn't brush my teeth. Neither did I bath.
• I am going to see my father.
• The shirt I am wearing is partially dirty.

Reasons why this day isn't completely an actual fail:
• I didn't see my father.
• I got to see valuable people when I was home. 
• Just chew on packs of gum and speak to no one.
• I used mouthwash though, is that okay?

Halfway during my nap, in a room with three beds aligned to fit a baby elephant. Too lazy to even blanket my unbathed body, I hear her. Complaining about how I lied to her about my lateness. She breaks me down into little bits of annoying matter. She was dramatic. I was late. The funeral is over. Can we chill now, Ms. Lady?
I could hear my lecturer silently shouting at me for being late. He hates that. The only time he has been late in my life of knowing him is by 15 minutes. This day isn't over. I was embarrassed. I was completely embarrassed and unbathed. 

She pauses halfway during her eventful and joyous characterization to a room of complete strangers. She opens the room I am sleeping in as to ensure I haven't heard her ( I think it was her ).

She disregards a simple and often ignored human ability, that is humans are able to hear information with their eyes closed. "Well, I heard it ALL, Lady!" I heard how she called me disrespectful and a lie.

" She is such a .. urg! " I complain to my friend, Kingsley. " but I also think people like her are our future friends "
" We need to do something about this habit " I insist. Sharing thought, like we shared a womb.

But Pay me, I'll be punctual.

I really should have cross - nighted but Looking like a zombie at a funeral isn't a bad thing after all.

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